2024 Winter/Spring Catalog and Course Launch

The winter/spring catalog is here, and registration is open for everyone! The new North House catalog has landed in mailboxes across the country, accompanied by fresh coursework for January – May 2024. Read on to find a full list of new courses and register for your next class today.
Where is your craft journey taking you this year?
Perhaps you recently discovered North House and are hoping to take your first class. Maybe you want to keep developing your skills in a craft you love. Or maybe you want to follow your curiosity and try something totally new.
Wherever you are in your craft journey, there's something for you in our new Winter/Spring 2024 course catalog. Featuring Fiber Week and Wood Week courses, new international guest instructors, and the return of some old favorite classes, this catalog is packed with amazing craft opportunities on each page.
Are you on our catalog mailing list? If not, sign up here to receive the next catalog early 2024. A digital version of the catalog will be uploaded for screen-side browsing shortly. (Apologies to our Canadian and overseas friends, at present catalogs can only be mailed to US addresses.)
The full slate of new corses are available to browse online, and registration is now open for everyone! Find a full list of new courses below:
Craft of Birch Ski Making: Making Your Own Set January 4
Hand Pies January 6
Perching Stools January 9
Weave to Sew: Custom Wool Vest January 11
Sculptural Felting January 12
All Ground Up: Sausage Making January 13
Perching Stools January 13
Artisan Breads Immersion January 16
Color Theory Through Weaving January 18
Timbered Workbench: Early American Style January 19
Masonry Heater Building January 19
Artisan Breads Immersion January 19
Moose-ing Around: Knit a Moose Hat in the Round January 19
Rag Rug Weaving for Beginners January 25
Bury Yourself in Your Work: Build Your Own Casket January 26
Woven Birch Bark Basketry January 26
Fresh Flavors from Winter Vegetables January 27
Automata: Mechanical Marvels in Wood January 31
Warp and Weft: Introduction to Floor Loom Weaving February 1
Hand Tool Woodworking: Getting Started February 2
Willow Basketry February 2
Luscious Laminates February 3
Hand-Sewn Leather Tote Bag February 3
The Handwoven Backpack February 7
Bowl Carving with Axe, Adze, and Gouge February 9
Winter River Exploration February 9
Cabinetry Basics: Building the Wall Cabinet February 9
Basic Yeasted Breads February 9
Winter River Exploration February 10
Log Cabin Quilt Variations February 13
Felting Bags with Integrated Details February 13
Rölakan Rug Weaving February 13
Introduction to Nålbinding February 13
Introduction to Tablet Weaving February 13
Rigid Heddle Weaving: Towels February 13
Wool Pullover Shirt: Sew Your Own Using a Wool Blanket February 17
Felting a Shirt or a Vest February 17
Sashiko Ori February 17
In Search of the Perfect Green and Orange: Natural Dyes February 17
Norwegian Needlecraft:Taking the 'Hard' out of Hardanger February 17
Advanced Nålbinding February 17
Artisan Breads Immersion February 20
Hand-Sewn Leather Toolbag February 23
Hand-Crafted Brooms: An Introduction February 23
Masonry Heater Building February 23
Black Ash Pack Baskets February 23
Flavorful Rye Breads February 23
Black Ash Pack Baskets February 27
Wooden Spoon Carving Traditions February 29
Twining Foundations: Build a Frame; Twine a Rug March 1
Adirondack Chair Building March 1
Sweet and Savory Pies March 2
Wooden Spoon Carving Traditions: Day 4 March 3
Felting Foundations March 8
Meat Preservation: The Basics and Beyond March 8
Chainsaws: Safety, Maintenance, and Tree Felling March 8
Sewing a Simple Garment March 8
Pewter Thread Braid Blast March 9
End Grain Turning: Cups & Bowls on the Lathe March 9
Knutkorg: The Scandinavian Knot Basket March 12
Figure Carving: Getting Started March 12
Carving with an Axe March 12
Shrink Boxes on the Lathe March 12
Pocket Spoon Carving March 12
Carve an Axe Handle from Green Wood March 16
Old World Games: Woodworking Intro March 16
Hollow Forms without the Hollowing March 16
Flatbreads from Around the World March 16
Unlocking the Secrets of the Yeast Ring March 16
Kuksa Carving: Traditional Scandinavian Drinking Cup March 16
Baking with Ancient and Alternative Grains March 21
Penny Rugs: Woolen Mosaics March 22
Turning the Wooden Bowl: Women & Non-Binary Session March 22
Making Hide & Canvas Boots March 22
Carve a Bench: Introduction to Greenwood Chair Building March 22
Pysanky:Ukrainian Egg Painting March 23
Yurt Building: Design and Construction March 28
Hardcover Codex Bookbinding March 29
Royal Weekend: Swedish Princesstårta March 30
Sweetgrass Basketry March 30
Royal Weekend: German Prinzregententorte March 31
Beginning Spinning: Spindle and Wheel April 2
Traditional Dovetail Joinery April 4
Blacksmithing: The Basics & Beyond April 4
Spinning for Knitting: North House Cap and Crescent Shawl April 5
Creative Mending April 5
Soapmaking: The Old Fashioned Way April 6
Viking "Knit" Chain Bracelet April 6
Advanced Pewter Thread Multiple Braid Bracelet April 7
Birch Bark Berry Basket April 19
Herbalism Apprentice: Beginner's Botanical Medicine April 19
Belt Making: Forge and Stitch April 19
Knitting the Night Sky: The Borealis Hat April 19
All Ground Up: Sausage Making April 20
Sharpening Tutorial April 20
Timber Frame: Build Your Own Smaller Frames April 22
Loop-in-Loop Chain Bracelet April 26
From Checkerwork to Hex: Black Ash Baskets with a Twist April 26
Felt a Seat Cozy April 27
Blacksmithing: Crafting The Tools of the Trade April 27
Service Learning: Felt a Seat Cozy April 28
Artisan Breads Immersion April 30
Birding Wednesday: Drop-in Session May 1
Fundamentals of North Shore Pebble Jewelry May 1
Blacksmithing: The Basics & Beyond May 2
Hand-Sewn Leather Shoulder Bag May 3
Herbalism Apprentice: Beginner's Botanical Medicine May 3
Artisan Breads Immersion May 3
Fundamentals of North Shore Pebble Jewelry May 5
Birding Wednesday: Drop-in Session May 8
Basic Timber Framing May 8
Anishinaabe-Style Bead Embroidery & Moccasin Sewing May 9
Woven: Traditional Swedish Table-Made Hair Bracelet May 9
Ovencrafting: Building and Baking in the Wood-Fired Oven May 9
Welcome to Blacksmithing! May 10
A Toast to Mothers May 11
Lathe Turning: The Wooden Bowl May 14
Birding Wednesday: The Workshop May 15
Tool-Making for Woodworkers and Others May 16
Needle Felting & Bead Embroidery: Bead, Felt, & Frame May 17
Wood, Fiber, Leather, Wire: A Handcraft Sampler May 17
Build Thoreau's Cabin: Basic Building Skills Workshop May 17
Turning Fine Detail Platters May 17
Foods for a Superior Spring May 18
Fly Casting Workshop and North Shore Fly Fishing Primer May 19
Elegant Side Grain Boxes May 20
Birding Wednesday: Drop-in Session May 22
Lathe Turning: The Wooden Bowl May 24
Weft-Faced Weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom May 24
Lost Wax Casting: Sterling Silver Rings May 24
Spring Birding on the North Shore May 25
Cooking With Spring Vegetables May 25
Custom Leather Sandal Construction May 25
Foraging for Spring Wild Edibles May 26
Birding Wednesday: Drop-in Session May 29