Framing the Future
Framing the Future sets the stage for the next 25 years of enriching lives and building community on the shores of Lake Superior. Priorities of this fundraising campaign are to Build the Welcome Center, Grow the Intern Program, and Carry Craft Forward. Read more at https://northhouse.org/framing-the-future.
October Hard Hat Tour Update
Our new Welcome Center is already making an impact. Join Director Greg Wright for his latest video update, including the Framing the Future finish line and when you can explore the new spaces.
September Hard Hat Tour Update
The Welcome Center is opening soon! Join Director Greg Wright for his latest video update on the build, and join us September 19 from 5-7pm for the grand opening and community open house.
July Hard Hat Tour Update
The finish line is in sight! Join Director Greg Wright for an exciting update on the Welcome Center. Learn when you can see the new building and how you can help shape the future of North House.
April Hard Hat Tour Update
As spring emerges on campus, work continues on the new Welcome Center. Join Director Greg Wright for a peek at the progress and learn more about the classes that will take place here and when you can take a tour of the new building.
Three Stories in Three Stories: February 27 Hard Hat Tour Update
As March approaches, work on the Welcome Center is progressing quickly. Join Director Greg Wright for a look at the construction progress and learn what's in store for each story.
February 8 Hard Hat Tour Update
Where does the future of craft come from? In this video update, Director Greg Wright shares about a key component of Framing the Future: strengthening the internship program.
Timber Raising Hard Hat Tour: January 4
It's a big turning point in the Welcome Center construction—the panels have been installed on the timbers, and fall coursework is being scheduled in the new classrooms! Join Director Greg Wright for the latest Hard Hat Video Tour and a first glimpse from the upper level.
Framing the Future: Timber Raising Video
In 2024, North House will officially open the doors to the new Welcome Center. We're celebrating an unforgettable year ahead by sharing a video of the timber raising, where you can see the process from start to finish.
In Photos: Welcome Center Timber Raising
It's been a monumental few weeks at North House as the Welcome Center timber raising has completed! Read on to see the Welcome Center take shape, from raising the first timbers to putting the final piece in place.
Hard Hat Tour - November 8
The countdown to the timber raising is on! Join Director Greg Wright for a big update on the progress of the Welcome Center in our latest Hard Hat Tour.