Open Secrets, Tools for Basket Making
It's difficult to make a truly unique basket. Basket making tools, however? That's another story. In this blog post, Ty Sheaffer shows us the many tools they use in their basket making practice.
Meet Ty Sheaffer
Basketmaking starts in the forest. In their introductory blog post, Resident Artisan Ty Sheaffer writes about the slow and intentional process of weaving a basket from natural materials.
Baskets with Steen Madsen in Denmark
Resident Artisan Emily Derke is traveling in Scandinavia as part of the Artisan Development Program, and recently spent some time weaving willow with Steen Madsen in Denmark. Read more in her latest blog post.
Baskets in Southern California
On a recent trip to California, North House Resident Artisan Emily Derke took some time to look at regional basketry, history, and culture—and soak up some sunshine. Read more in her latest blog post.
Baskets in the North Woods
Emily muses in this month's issue of Northern Wilds on how the rhythm of harvesting materials for craft suffuses a basket maker's life with meaning.
Every Tree Has Stories to Tell
In her latest blog post, resident artisan Emily Derke writes about a recent exhibition organized by North House Instructor John Zasada.
Learning and teaching reflections
In her latest blog post, resident artisan Emily Derke reflects on how the changes of the last year have impacted teaching and learning.
Observations of Plants and Animals
Resident Artisan Emily Derke discusses the inspiration and learning that spring brings in her new blog post.
North House Narratives: A Conversation with April Stone
Baskets, Food and Learning
I have been living in northern Minnesota and spending time teaching basketry workshops, exploring the area I live in, and scheduling life around food and the seasons.