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The North House email newsletter is the best way to find out about courses and events, helping you to find the craft classes you’ve been searching for. The newsletter highlights rare opportunities with international instructors, last-minute class openings, and new additions.
By signing up you’ll be among the first to hear about:
- Freshly released courses and new opportunities to get your hands on craft (sign up before they're full!)
- Upcoming events and unique programs on campus and online
- Updates from our Resident Artisans and Instructors
- Openings in our Internship and Resident Artisan Programs
- And more!
North House takes your privacy seriously and will never share or sell your contact infromation. You can expect to hear from us about once per week.
eNews Archive
Want a taste of what to expect before signing up or looking for an old issue?
Click here for an archive our our past eNews mailings.