Winter/Spring 2025 Course Kickoff

It's time to plan your next trip to North House! Courses for winter and spring of 2025 are now live on our website and registration is open to all.
North House members get to register a day early, on August 28. Curious about becoming a member? Not sure how to register? Click the button below to find everything you need to prepare for registration day.
Our catalog is also landing in mailboxes. If you haven't received one, there is a digital version here.
Basic Yeasted Breads January 7 Warp and Weft: Introduction to Floor Loom Weaving January 9 Wooden Spoon Carving Traditions January 9 Craft of Birch Ski Making: Making Your Own Set January 9 Bezel Set Stones for North Shore Jewelry January 10 Ukulele: Build Your Own January 10 Making Hide & Canvas Boots January 10 Basic Yeasted Breads January 10 Wet Felting Immersion January 16 Handwoven Wool Tote Bag January 16 Coopering: Make a Wooden Bucket January 17 Sewing a Simple Garment: Introduction to Sewing January 17 Hand-Sewn Leather Tote Bag January 18 Creativity with Beverages: Teas, Herbs, Water, and Bubbles January 18 Sweetgrass Basketry January 18 Rölakan Rug Weaving January 23 Masonry Heater Building January 24 Hand Tool Woodworking: Getting Started January 24 Rigid Heddle Weaving: Towels January 24 Rye - Bread to Booze January 25 Ways of Weaving: Inkle, Rigid Heddle, Table and Floor Looms January 30 Wild Yeast: The Art and Science of Sourdough Bread January 30 Hand-Sewn Leather Project Tote January 31
Winter Natural Dye Exploration February 1 Tie Up Magic: A Hands-On Look at Weaving Drafts February 6 Masonry Heater Building February 7 Kick Sled Building: Push and Glide February 7 Tying Flies That Catch Fish February 7 Demystifying Double Weave February 11 Learn to Knit: Artists Point Cowl February 11 Much is More: Venture into the World of Finery Embroidery February 11 Sculptural Felting February 11 Introduction to Nålbinding February 11 Seven Ways To Knit and a Dye Pot Too! February 12 How to Make a Color Way February 12 Decorated Hands: A Modern Twist on Brudvantar February 15 Revelations in Rep Weave February 15 Norwegian Needlecraft: Taking the 'Hard' out of Hardanger February 15 Grow Your Own Sweater: Shepherding, Spinning, Stitches February 15 Skinnfell: Norwegian Wood Block Party February 15 Scandinavian Roots Weaving on the Rigid Heddle Loom February 15 Introduction to Tablet Weaving February 15 Cabinetry Basics: Building the Wall Cabinet February 21 Buckskin Puzzle Pouches February 21 Woven Birch Bark Fanny Pack February 21 Masonry Heater Building February 21 Processing Wild Foods and Home Grown Grains/Legumes February 21 Perching Stools February 23 Bark Tanned Sheep Hides February 27 Beginning Floor Loom Weaving February 27 Deerskin Mittens with Anishinaabe-Style Beadwork February 27 Black Ash Pack Baskets February 27 Making Hide & Canvas Boots February 28 Flavorful Rye Breads February 28
Black Ash Pack Baskets March 2 Penny Rugs: Woolen Mosaics March 7 Hand-Crafted Brooms: An Introduction March 7 Adirondack Chair Building March 7 Natural Wet Felting with Local Wool March 8 Gjetost March 8 Bowl Carving with Axe, Adze, and Gouge March 11 Cases, Covers, and Sheaths: Protect Your Tools March 11 Carve a Jointed Figure March 11 Kolrosing: Decorative Line Carving March 11 Carving the Tyldal Chair: Beginner Session March 11 Fermented Foods: From the Basics to the World of Koji March 11 Carving the Tyldal Chair: Intermediate Session March 15 Woodcarving Open Studio March 15 Chip Carving: Decorative Wall Hanging March 15 Flatbreads from Around the World March 20 Table Design Fundamentals: A Hands-On Approach March 21 Hardcover Codex Bookbinding March 21 Try Your Hand at Irish Crochet March 21 Flatbreads from Around the World March 22 Sharpening Tutorial March 22 Felt for the Home: Table Runners and Rugs March 28 Twining Foundations: Build a Frame; Twine a Rug March 28 Meat Preservation: The Basics and Beyond March 28 Herbalism Apprentice: Beginner's Botanical Medicine March 28 Fan Bird Carving March 29 Sharpening Tutorial March 29
Artisan Breads Immersion April 1 Cedar Bentwood Boxes April 3 Blacksmithing: The Basics & Beyond April 3 Healing Through Craft: Jewelry Fabrication April 3 Tramp Art: Obscure Folk Art of the Working Class April 4 Creative Mending April 4 Build Your Own Custom Fishing Rod April 4 Wood, Fiber, Leather, Wire: A Handcraft Sampler April 17 Belt Making: Forge and Stitch April 17 Fiber + Twist = Yarn April 19 Playful Freeform Embroidery April 20 Pocket Spoon Carving April 24 Black Ash Market Basket April 24 Soapmaking: The Old Fashioned Way April 24 Automata: Mechanical Marvels in Wood April 25 Forged Cooking Utensils: At the Grill and in the Kitchen April 25 Knitting the Night Sky: The Borealis Hat April 25 Tortillas, Polenta, and More: Traditional Corn Processing April 26 Winter Tree and Shrub Identification April 26 Ovencrafting: Building and Baking in the Wood-Fired Oven April 30
Herbalism Apprentice: Beginner's Botanical Medicine May 2 Build Thoreau's Cabin: Basic Building Skills Workshop May 2 Beginning Telemark Rosemaling May 3 Duck, Duck, Grey Duck! May 3 Birding and Botanizing Through May May 6 Fundamentals of North Shore Pebble Jewelry May 8 Knutkorg: The Scandinavian Knot Basket May 9 Needle Felting & Bead Embroidery: Bead, Felt, & Frame May 9 Blacksmithing: Crafting The Tools of the Trade May 10 Anishinaabe-Style Beaded Baby Moccasins May 10 Birding and Botanizing Through May May 13 Intermediate North Shore Pebble Jewelry May 14 Blacksmithing: The Basics & Beyond May 15 Woven: Traditional Swedish Table-Made Hair Bracelet May 15 All About Beading! A Technical Approach May 16 Sewing: Next Steps May 16 Power Tool Fundamentals: Cutting Board May 17 Fly Casting Workshop and North Shore Fly Fishing Primer May 18 Fly Casting Workshop and North Shore Fly Fishing Primer May 19 Birding and Botanizing Through May May 20 Fly Fishing Field Adventure May 20 Birding by Ear May 23 Open-Top Custom Leather Toolbag May 23 Lakeside Swatch to Sweater Adventure May 23 Weft-Faced Weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom May 23 Lathe Turning: The Wooden Bowl May 24 Cooking With Spring Vegetables May 24 Foraging for Spring Wild Edibles May 25 Birding and Botanizing Through May May 27 Turning Thin Walled Vessels May 27 Spring Birding on the North Shore May 30 Welcome to Blacksmithing! May 30 Foraging for Spring Wild Edibles May 30 Northwoods Nature Through the Lens May 30 What's This Rock 3? Southern North Shore’s Geological Story May 30 Discovering the Language of Birds May 31 Beekeeping Basics May 31 The Beekeeper’s Pantry—Making the Most of Honey in the Kitchen May 31
Birch Bark Berry Basket June 6 Lathe Turning: The Wooden Bowl June 6 Herbal ID Basics and Creating an Herbal First Aid Kit June 6 “Stained Glass” Nuno Felt Window Hanging June 6 Loop-in-Loop Chain Bracelet June 6 Spring Birding on the North Shore June 7 Pies and Tarts for Spring and Summer June 7 Designing a Landscape Using Edible and Medicinal Plants June 7 Discovering the Language of Birds June 8 Forge a Railroad Spike Knife June 12 Carving Köksredskap: Breadboards, Butter Knives, & Spoons June 13 A Midsommar Feast June 13 Needle Felting & Bead Embroidery: Bead, Felt, & Frame June 13 Insect and Macro Photography: An Introduction June 13 Introduction to Rosemaling Gudbrandsdal Style June 14 Custom Leather Sandal Construction June 14 Rhubarbarama June 15 Fly Fishing the North Shore: Grand Marais Area June 15 Blacksmithing: Crafting The Tools of the Trade June 16 Families at the Forge June 20 Shoemaking with the Cordwainer Shop: The Squire Boot June 23 Fly Fishing the North Country in Prime Time June 24 Shoemaking with the Cordwainer Shop: The Pathfinder June 28
Grand Marais & Beyond Nature Photography Workshop: Summer Session July 23