Northern Ecology
Winter Tree and Shrub Identification
Course Overview
Learn how to identify Minnesota and Wisconsin native trees and shrubs by winter characteristics like bark, buds, and scent. Are you interested in knowing how to reliably distinguish white pine, jack pine, white spruce, black spruce, and balsam fir? Ever wonder how to tell maple from aspen when cutting firewood in the winter? In the central Midwest, do you know your trees well enough to find the oaks where hen of the woods mushrooms are found, or elms where morels might grow? Learning trees in the dormant season is ideal for a couple reasons: tree bark and buds are easily visible, and once you learn tree identification in the winter, it will be a snap when leaves are on! This course is designed for people new to plant identification and for those people seeking to bolster their dormant season identification skills. The course will include handouts describing bark, bud, form, habitat, and other identification tips.
Required Tools
- Notebook, and/or clipboard, or some other way to take notes.
- Mechanical pencil or regular pencil – for taking notes, pencils work well even if it is wet and/or rainy
- Phone or camera to take photos of key characters
- Hand lens - 10x is ideal (highly recommended), otherwise a magnifying glass will work https://www.ascscientific.com/es/products/10x-21mm-triplet-hand-lens
- Baggies, masking tape and permanent markers (to collect and label samples)
- Water and snacks
- Bag or back pack to carry samples and gear
- Warm clothes! Rain wear and umbrella if there is a light sprinkle.