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Clothing & Jewelry

Intermediate North Shore Pebble Jewelry

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Course Overview

Have you ever collected perfectly smooth, round pebbles from the shores of Lake Superior or other places in the world and then wondered what to do with them? This course offers the perfect solution. Students will spend an hour or so the first day gathering pebbles and then will use diamond-encrusted drill bits and specialized metal smithing techniques to prepare the stones for jewelry making.  The pebbles can then be made into pendants, necklaces, bracelets and rings. Sterling silver wire, chain, tubing and sheet will be used to fabricate unique pieces of jewelry based on each student’s own design theme. Discover the song of the jeweler’s saw, the hum of the drill, the intrigue of cold connections, the elation of a successful solder and the thrill of a finished piece using these age-old techniques and go home with at least six handmade works of art to wear…truly treasures from the North Shore. 

Some soldering skills are recommended. Good hand-eye coordination and vision (or magnification) are fundamental for this class.

A course materials fee of $35-85.00 will be paid to your instructor in class. This will cover all course materials and drill bits.

Students age 14+ may register for this course.  

 Required Tools

  • Students will need to bring a small hand held Dremel type rotary tool 
  • Sketch/notebook for designing and note taking.
  • 2 extra-fine sharpie pens
  • Eye magnification required - opti-visors are preferred and can be purchased from any jewelry supplier - visit for a good source

Optional Tools

  • Any small jewelry tools you may have: jewelers saw, hand tools (pliers, nippers, hammers), bench pin, steel block, and any other jewelry tools you wish to use.


Wed, May 14th, 2025  –  Fri, May 16th, 2025

Course Details

Hours: 9am-5pm each day
Tuition: $345.00
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Meet the Instructor

North House Folk School photo of instructor, Meredith Middleton
Meredith Middleton
Chattanooga, TN

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Intermediate North Shore Pebble Jewelry