Blacksmithing & Toolmaking
Welcome to Blacksmithing!
Course Overview
The Blacksmith Shop at North House has a charisma that can’t be denied: the ring of the hammer and the roar of fire reels in people like a siren’s song. For those who have been drawn in but wondered if they might not have the stamina to stand at a forge all day in a hot and physically intense environment, we offer this introductory course. Longtime teacher Michael Jones will teach the basics of forging at a slow pace, taking breaks for exploration of the history of the craft, and simply relaxing and enjoying good conversation: all at the root of folk school learning. Students will choose from a variety of introductory projects, but the main emphasis here will be on getting comfortable with the tools of the trade, and exploring metalwork in a safe and supportive environment, regardless of physical ability. This course is open to ages 16+. Youth ages 14-15 are welcome to register with a full-paying adult. Youth registrants will receive a 25% intergenerational discount; call to register.
Required Tools
- Safety glasses (provided, but you may wish to bring your own)
- Ear protection (provided, but you may wish to bring your own)
- Leather gloves
- Jeans
- Cotton shirts (no nylon clothing)
- Leather shoes
- Clothing comfortable to be outdoors