Fan Bird Carving
Course Overview
Fan carving is an old folk art that can be traced across northern Europe and to the US. The legend and history of the fan bird varies, but the magic of the creation is the same. We’ll learn how to split blanks from a log of pine or white cedar, lay out the interlock and hinge, rive the feathers, carve the bird profile, and finally, fan the wings. To the untrained eye, it’s hard to believe these are made from just a single piece of wood. On the second day, we’ll practice more birds and explore different hanging and mounting techniques. Leave this class ready to fly away on your own fan bird journey! This course requires some hand strength and dexterity. Students aged 16+ may register for this course independently. Students aged 12-15 may register with a full-paying adult. The youth student will receive a 25% intergenerational discount; call to register.
Optional Tools
- Craft knife (the Mora 106 is usually available in school store)
- Protective carving glove (also usually available in the school store)
- 8mm to 16mm #11 deep veiner carving gouges (a range or individual sizes)