Celebrating the Northwoods Fiber Guild
Celebrating the Northwoods Fiber Guild! For many years, the Fiber Guild has been an integral partner to North House, demonstrating at events, teaching local youth, and more.
Turning Locked Lidded Boxes
Locking lidded boxes have a long history in Swedish craft. Resident Artisan Mary Tripoli spent time learning about this beautiful and practical craft tradition ahead of her trip to Scandinavia.
Star of the North - Explore MN
Join Chereen and Rob on their first visit to Minnesota, traveling from Minneapolis to Grand Marais where they eat next door at Fisherman's Daughter, take a tour of campus, and a sail on Hjørdis.
2024 Summer/Fall Catalog Kickoff
The new catalog is landing in mailboxes across the country. Read on for everything you need to know ahead of registration at the end of February.
Miriam Parkman Presentation
We're thrilled to welcome professional Swedish weaver Miriam Parkman for her first-ever visit to Minnesota! Join her for a presentation on her weaving, March 19 at 7pm in the Blue Building.
Three Stories in Three Stories: February 27 Hard Hat Tour Update
As March approaches, work on the Welcome Center is progressing quickly. Join Director Greg Wright for a look at the construction progress and learn what's in store for each story.
Off the Waitlist and Into the Class
What should you do if the class you want to register for is full? Why the best thing to do is to add your name to the waitlist.
A Garden to Dye For
Greater biodiversity, more vibrant colors, taking the time to slow down—there are myriad benefits to growing plants for natural dyes. In this post, Resident Artisan Liz O'Brien writes about growing a garden to dye for.
Trial and Error: Working with Mockups
Why make a sample when you can get straight to the fun part? In this post, Caroline Feyling writes about an integral part of the sewing process: working with mockups.
Accepting Applications for Resident Artisans
North House is now accepting applications for the Artisan Development Program (2024 – 2026). Applications are due April 1 at noon, CST. Learn more and apply.