Fiber Arts
A Visit to Sätergläntan
Resident Artisan Christine Novotny is traveling through Scandinavia as part of the Artisan Development Program. She writes about some time spent at Sätergläntan, a folk school in Dalarna, Sweden, in her latest blog post.
Exploring Fibers and Gathering Knowledge
In her latest blog post, Resident Artisan Laura Brown talks about the experience of taking fiber classes at North House and using those opportunities to develop her own teaching practices.
This Won’t Last Forever
What does forever mean in fibers? In craft? Is forever a good thing? Resident Artisan Christine Novotny examines these questions in her latest blog post.
Weaving Rya
In her latest blog post, Resident Artisan Christine Novotny talks about her experience in a recent Rya Weaving course and looks ahead to future weavings.
Walking, Weaving, and Winter
In her new blog post, Resident Artisan Laura Brown discusses her first winter in Grand Marais, and all it brings, including some fascinating quilt research,
Quilt Stories
In her latest blog post, Resident Artisan Laura Brown traces her roots, history, and attraction to quilting.
Introducing Laura Brown
Meet Laura Brown, one of the new residents in the Artisan Development Program at North House, in this introductory blog post.
The Blanket Blog
In her latest blog post, Christine Novotny gives us a glimpse into the fascinating process of weaving large blankets!
A Felted Farewell
In her final North House Blog Post, Elise Kyllo reflects on what she has learned in her time in the Artisan Development Program.
Drafting with block and unit weaves
Resident Artisan Christine Novotny discusses her explorations of block weaves in her textiles in her latest blog post.