Northern Landscapes Festival Evening Programs
Announcing our evening programs for the Northern Landscapes Festival! Join us for a film showing on Lake Superior's warming and for a presentation on manoomin (wild rice) with April McCormick.
Iditarod Community Presentation
Join mushers Erin Altemus and Anna Hennessy for a presentation recounting their rookie runs on the 1,000-mile Iditarod Sled Dog Race in Alaska! Tuesday, May 7 in the Red Building, all are welcome.
The Language of Rosemaling
Languages contain distinct dialects that reveal clues about a speaker's home. Rosemaling can be seen as a visual language with many dialects. In this blog post, Tara Austin ponders the language of rosemaling and its future evolution.
Meet Dr. Cynthia Lane, Botanist and North House Instructor
We're excited to welcome Dr. Cynthia Lane, botanist and ecologist, at this year's Northern Landscapes Festival! Join her for a botany intensive perfect for naturalists, ecologists, herbalists, and foragers.
April Hard Hat Tour Update
As spring emerges on campus, work continues on the new Welcome Center. Join Director Greg Wright for a peek at the progress and learn more about the classes that will take place here and when you can take a tour of the new building.
From the Forest to the Classroom: Shop Notes from Instructor David Abeel
David Abeel is a woodworking instructor from Traverse City, MI, who will be teaching several furniture-making courses this summer. In this post, David shows us the inspiration that springs from working with natural wood and its unique shapes.
Box Full of Stories: A Special Find at a Swedish Antique Shop
In her most recent blog post, Mary Tripoli writes about her travels through Sweden, including her surprising discovery at a craft-focused antique shop.
Northern Landscapes Festival 2024
Spring is an explosion of life in the north! Deepen your connection to the outdoors and learn more about the natural world around us at this year's Northern Landscapes Festival, May 31-June 2.
Textiles through Time
The industrial revolution forever changed the way people live and create. In Bergen, Norway, Liz O'Brien visited a knitting factory museum to get a deeper understanding of textiles through time.
“Modern” Design in Antique Textiles
A visit to the Västernorrlands Museum unearthed a treasure trove of plattväv coverlets. In this blog post, Caroline Feyling shows us the surprisingy modern feel of these 19th-century pieces.