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Request a Catalog

There’s no better feeling than opening the North House Course Catalog and starting to plan your trip to campus.

Whether it’s basketry or woodworking, blacksmithing or weaving, Anishinaabe-style mittens or yurt-building, you’re sure to find something that excites your imagination and stirs the soul.

At North House Folk School, our renowned instructors will be your guides every step of the way.  From how to hold a carving knife, dress a loom, or fire up a forge, learners of any ability will feel confident in the classroom. In fact, almost 95% of our courses require no prior experience. 

And as part of the folk school tradition, North House is focused on learning and building relationships, not on competition. Here by the shores of Lake Superior, you’ll find a supportive environment for novices and experts alike—a place to celebrate traditional skills together and carry this knowledge forward.

Take the first step in your craft journey today and request the free catalog by completing the form below.

North House publishes two course catalogs each year in February and August. Our most up-to-date course information is always here on our website, but US residents can request a print catalog using the form below to get on our mailing list and receive the next catalog. Thanks for your interest!

Join the Catalog Mailing List

Sign up here by January 31, 2025 to receive the February catalog:

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