Artisan Development Program
The Language of Rosemaling
Languages contain distinct dialects that reveal clues about a speaker's home. Rosemaling can be seen as a visual language with many dialects. In this blog post, Tara Austin ponders the language of rosemaling and its future evolution.
Box Full of Stories: A Special Find at a Swedish Antique Shop
In her most recent blog post, Mary Tripoli writes about her travels through Sweden, including her surprising discovery at a craft-focused antique shop.
Textiles through Time
The industrial revolution forever changed the way people live and create. In Bergen, Norway, Liz O'Brien visited a knitting factory museum to get a deeper understanding of textiles through time.
“Modern” Design in Antique Textiles
A visit to the Västernorrlands Museum unearthed a treasure trove of plattväv coverlets. In this blog post, Caroline Feyling shows us the surprisingy modern feel of these 19th-century pieces.
Visiting Sweden's Dala Horse Factories
Tara Austin's rosemaled Dala horses are a beloved item in the School Store. While in Sweden's Dalarna region, she took a visit to two Dala horse factories.
Discovering Old Wooden Objects in Sweden
When Mary Tripoli left for Scandinavia, she had one mission: to see some old wooden objects. In this blog post, she takes us on a photo tour of some of the treasures she's seen on her travels.
Hej Hej from Sätergläntan
Hej Hej from Sätergläntan! Resident Artisan Liz O'Brien gives us a look inside the doors of our Swedish sister school, with unique and thoughtful details around every corner.
Textile Treasures in Stockholm Museums
A visit to Stockholm was full of textile treasures. Join Resident Artist Caroline Feyling in this blog post exploring two museums in Sweden.
Travel Post: Finding Rosemaling Inspiration in Sweden
The Resident Artisans are traveling through Scandinavia! In her first travel post, Tara Austin writes about finding rosemaling inspiration in Stockholm.
Turning Locked Lidded Boxes
Locking lidded boxes have a long history in Swedish craft. Resident Artisan Mary Tripoli spent time learning about this beautiful and practical craft tradition ahead of her trip to Scandinavia.