September Hard Hat Tour Update
The Welcome Center is opening soon! Join Director Greg Wright for his latest video update on the build, and join us September 19 from 5-7pm for the grand opening and community open house.
Road Trip Reflections
The Resident Artisans in Cohort VII have started their independent study years. In her final blog post of the year, Caroline Feyling shares her reflections on home, place, and the trip back to Oregon.
Unplugged 2024, September 19-21
Celebrate the mission, sustain the dream! Unplugged is just under a month away. Join us September 19-21 as we celebrate the next chapter of North House and dedicate the new Welcome Center.
Winter/Spring 2025 Course Kickoff
It's time to plan your next trip to North House! Courses for winter and spring of 2025 are now live on our website and registration is open to all.
Ozzie Reif
Most through-hikers opt for lightweight gear and synthetic fabrics. Not Ozzie Reif—he's hiking through the BWCA using gear he made himself! Join Ozzie August 30 at 7:30pm in the Blue Building for a presentation about his unique journey through the wilderness.
Sounds of Summer
Does rosemaling have a sound? In this blog post, Tara Austin writes about rosemaling a guitar and about the synergy between form, color, and sound.
July Hard Hat Tour Update
The finish line is in sight! Join Director Greg Wright for an exciting update on the Welcome Center. Learn when you can see the new building and how you can help shape the future of North House.
Imperfections: What Museum Pieces Have Taught Me About Letting Go
Is craftsmanship about the pursuit of perfection? After a transformative visit to see some historic garments, Caroline Feyling writes about embracing the beauty of imperfection in handcraft.
North House Welcomes Visiting Indian Traditional Craft Artisans
On July 27, North House is welcoming four internationally acclaimed craft artisans from India. Read on to learn more about the delegation's visit, including when you can meet them and see their work.
Boreal Ornament V: First Solo Exhibit at Vesterheim
Tara Austin has her first solo show at Vesterheim! In this blog post she writes about Boreal Ornament V, her exhibit that's on display now through September 22, 2024.