Featured Speaker Tim Cahill
We're thrilled to welcome Tim Cahill as our Winterers' Gathering featured speaker! On November 18, join Tim in person or online for 50 Years of Adventure Travel, where he'll tell riveting stories of his life as a travel writer and adventurer.
In her newest blog post, Resident Artisan Tara Austin writes about creating in a series, from her Orchid Series to her signature Dala horses to a new series of paintings called Octdala.
Framing the Future Hard Hat Tour: Oct 27
The foundation is poured and the walls of the lake-level classroom are in! Join Director Greg Wright for our latest virtual Hard Hat Tour of the new Welcome Center and see the amazing progress that's been made in the last few weeks.
Winterers' Gathering 2023
The Winterers' Gathering & Arctic Film Festival is just around the corner! Join us Nov 17-19 to welcome in the chilliest season, with winter-centric films, community events, and our featured speaker Tim Cahill.
Introducing Mary Tripoli
In her first blog post as a Resident Artisan, woodworker Mary Tripoli writes about carving hundreds of spoons, building her first chair as a North House intern, and chasing the questions that craft brings up.
High-Touch, Low-Tech: North House featured in MPR article
The world is becoming increasingly online. So why are more and more people drawn to traditional craft? North House was recently featured in an MPR article on the burgeoning folk school movement and our flourishing community.
Introducing Liz O'Brien
Working with "living color" is how Resident Artisan Liz O'Brien describes natural dyeing. In her introductory blog post, Liz writes about the roots of craft in her life and embracing the slowness inherent to dye work.
Introducing Caroline Feyling
From starting her own weaving business to joining the Artisan Development Program, Resident Artisan Caroline Feyling writes about the craft journey that brought her from Oregon to Grand Marais sight unseen.
Timber Frame Build Hard Hat Tour, Oct 5
The timbers are cut and stacked! Join Director Greg Wright for a video update on the construction of the Welcome Center—the building that will be the new front door of North House.
North House Adopts Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement
For the past year North House has been formulating a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) statement. It was formally approved this fall, charting a course to expand accessibility and continuing work to make more people feel welcome and invited.