Framing the Future: Timber Raising Video
In 2024, North House will officially open the doors to the new Welcome Center. We're celebrating an unforgettable year ahead by sharing a video of the timber raising, where you can see the process from start to finish.
Hidden Treasure Behind the Milling Shop: Turning Spalted Wood
Moldy wood may look like trash, but woodturners know a treasure when they see one. In this blog post, Mary Tripoli turns a bag of moldy birch found on campus into stunning spalted bowls.
Sashiko Ori Weaving: A Conversation with Beth Ross Johnson
Beth Ross Johnson is a North Carolina fiber artist who has a special interest in folk textiles from Japan. In this post, Beth shares about her upcoming Sashiko Ori weaving course and what she loves about this unique style of weaving.
Arctic Awe with Pascale Marceau
We're thrilled to welcome Pascale Marceau back to campus! Join her Friday, January 5 at 7pm for Arctic Awe, a presentation about her expedition through Canada's High Arctic.
Shibori: A Short History and a Few Techniques…
Delve into the world of shaped-resist dyeing with Liz O'Brien. In this blog post, she explores the art of shibori, using everything from stitches to tongue depressors to create eye-catching patterns.
Winter Solstice Shadow Puppet Performance
Join the Good Harbor Hill Players Thursday, December 21 at 6pm on the North House Folk School campus for 2023's Winter Solstice Shadow Puppet Performance!
North House Instructor Web Shops
We're thankful to have such a brilliant community of North House instructors, many of whom run their own craft businesses. Check out some of their webshops, where you can find unique gifts while supporting artists.
Outfit Repeater: Recreating Childhood Folk Costume Twenty-Two Years Later
Caroline Feyling brings things full circle by creating a Gudbrandsdal bunad, designed after a bunad she wore as a girl. In her newest blog post, she shares about the rich history and family connections found in this Norwegian folk costume.
Flower Power
All styles of rosemaling contain flowers. So what sets Gudbrandsdal style apart? In this blog post, Tara Austin decodes some of the common motifs found in Gudbrandsdal rosemaling.