Getting Ready for Registration Day

New coursework opens for registration on October 5 for the public and October 4 for members! Check out our Registration Information Page for all the info you need, or read on for some commonly asked registration questions.
Folks are often curious about how to make sure they are all set and ready to register for their favorite classes, so we’ve pulled together a few tips that address the most common questions.
Confirm you have an account set up to register for classes
In 2021 North House switched to a new registration system called Campus CE, which requires that each student has an account to register. So if you and your partner are planning to take a class together, it’s wise to get those individual accounts set up ahead of time. You can set up an account or log in to your account here: Sign in to your account.
If you’ve taken a class since 2021 and can’t recall your username, please use “Find my username” instead of creating a new account—to have our system email your username to you if you already have an account on file. This will help us to keep accurate records, and help us keep your membership status current too.
If you don’t have an account, now is the time to create one: create a new account. It just takes a moment, and this is a great way to make sure that you are in our system and ready for registration day!
Check your membership status
Once you have signed into your account, click on “my account” and then “my membership.” You’ll see the status and expiration date of your membership (which is roughly one year from the date of your last donation).
A gift of any amount makes you a member at North House, whether that’s a one-time gift or a sustaining membership. For household memberships, please include both names when completing your donation.
Once you’ve made a gift it typically takes 2-3 days to be reflected on your profile in Campus CE. No need to worry though, our staff will be working diligently in the home stretch to try to get everyone who has made a gift prior to early registration day has their Campus CE record updated. Making your gift before 5pm on Sunday, October 1 helps to give our staff time to get this reflected on your record.
If you’ve made a gift more than a week ago and you aren’t seeing your membership status reflected, please be in touch! Emailing info@northhouse.org is the best way to reach out so that we can get your question passed on to the appropriate staff member. If you don’t have a Campus CE account, please set this up first before reaching out, as that will help us to move a little quicker to be able to accommodate everyone.
Make sure the class you’re registering for isn’t already open for registration
We know this one might seem obvious, but about 30-40% of the courses in the current catalog opened for registration earlier this year. If you’re looking at a class that takes place before January, it may already be available to sign up.
Have your desired class up and open on your computer at 9am
The quickest way to complete your registration is to manage your sign up directly on your computer. We often receive over 300 phone calls on registration day, and do our best to get everyone signed up, but that’s not usually the fastest option. If you are experiencing issues with your account, or are experiencing other technical problems on registration day, please send us an email at info@northhouse.org instead of calling. We are not able to register students via email or take credit card payments, but will respond with our best attempt to answer questions and resolve issues.
When can I register?
Whether you’re signing up on October 4 or 5, courses will not be open until 9am Central Time. We try our best to make it fair for everyone, and so we will not be answering the phones before that time on either registration day, but will be keeping an eye on email in an effort to get folks answers in a timely manner.
What about Waitlists?
Some classes are in high demand and fill up quickly! There's no need to fret if you don't get in on your first try. Instead, your name will go on the waitlist for that class. There is no guarantee, but frequently registered students need to change their schedule and drop a class. When a spot in class opens up, students on the waitlist are called in order of who got their name on the waitlist first until the spot is filled.
Another reason to put yourself on the waitlist is it sends our Program Managers a clear signal that this class is popular and we should consider scheduling more sessions in the future. Even if you don't get in this time around it makes it easier for you and others to take the class in the future.
The class I wanted filled up before I had a chance to register!
First off, get your name on the waitlist. Along with increased demand in the past few years, we've seen an increase in cancellations and waitlists opening.
We encourage anyone with specific interest in getting their first choice of classes to take advantage of the early registration perks of membership, but we understand not everybody knows about early registration day and it's disappointing to find your class is full before you had a chance to register.
The best way to be in the loop for upcoming course releases is to sign up for the weekly email newsletter. A gift of any amount makes you a member at North House, whether that’s a one-time gift or a sustaining membership.
Thanks for Reading
If you have questions that weren’t answered by these tips, please be in touch with our friendly staff at 218-387-9762 or info@northhouse.org. Be sure that you get the latest news from North House about new classes and registration opportunities by subscribing to our weekly email newsletter.