Moving Forward

The past weeks—from the killing of George Floyd to protests across the nation—speak loudly. The sobering facts call all of us to think again about the world we hope to create and the values we want to live by.
The past weeks—from the killing of George Floyd to protests across the nation—speak loudly. The sobering facts call all of us to think again about the world we hope to create and the values we want to live by. We can and must do better.
There is a long and painful history of discrimination against the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities in Minnesota and in our country. We might be located in a small, rural community, but our mission of enriching lives and building community stretches far beyond our campus. We see the ways in which our neighbors are hurt by the policies, practices, and systems that perpetuate racism.
For many, North House is a place of inspiration, healing, and hope. Last week on social media we were silent so that black voices could be amplified, and so that we did not distract from the efforts of so many to make this a moment of lasting change. We also took time to reflect on North House’s shortcomings as an institution. These efforts were only a start, as this is not a process that can be rushed. We do not want to simply do what comes easy or looks good in the moment. We do not want to simply share promises when action is needed. This is a time to engage in the difficult work.
Our long term hope is to create a place where not only do all feel welcomed—but where all are actually present. Without this, our mission remains unfulfilled.
This week we are resuming online programming in a modest way because we believe in the profound power of craft to bring people of diverse backgrounds together. This is in no way meant to signal that we are leaving these past weeks behind us. If you have thoughts or ideas you’d like to share, I hope you will take a moment to email us.