April: the Gregorian Month of Venus
Tuesday invited an adventure on bike, its sunshine and cool air sending a finite coming-of-springtime.
This quote was derived from a (great) cook/culture book called Full Moon Feast by Jessica Prentice, where she explores food through all phases of the moon. This "sap moon" of March & April is welcomed by this Anishnabeg (Ojibway) Thanksgiving for spring:
Once again we shall
see the snow melt
taste the flowing sap
touch the budding seeds
smell the whitening flowers
know the renewal of life.
I rode up the Gunflint trail to Maple Hill Cemetery, a lovely little place emulating solitude and peace in its snow-saturated hilltop. Never too early to celebrate loved ones, the headstones are still a bit covered...
Highway 60 took me upon groves of maples, left and right and tapping nicely. From tubing to milk jugs, this fun seems to be had by everyone, who has a Maple tree. You might even have a Maple tree (or Birch! or Box Elder!) for the tapping, too!
And full-on evidence that there is co-mingling of seasons: melting.
And I observed my first flock of robins!
May you enjoy this weather to come!