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Laura Ricketts

Rochester, IN
North House Folk School photo of instructor, Laura Ricketts

Laura loves to play with color and design, and the knitting of the Sámi peoples in northern Scandinavia fits that bill while exciting her historically and culturally. She knits, crochets, spins, and quilts. Lately, she has lectured and taught at Finnfest, Vesterheim Norwegian-American museum, American Swedish Institute, and the Nordic Knitting Conference in Seattle. In between writing articles and patterns, she chases her three school-age kids, shuttles them about town, and tries to attend all their events.

Past Courses Offered by Laura Ricketts

Advanced Sámi Knitting Techniques

Casting On: Skills for Knitters (Online Course)

Forest Pond Skolt Sami Mittens

Forest Pond Skolt Sami Mittens: Online Course

Just Knittin’ Beret – First Time Project

Karesuando Mittens: Swedish Sámi Mittens from the Far North

Knitting Skolt Sami Socks

Knitting Skolt Sami Socks: Online Course

Quilting the North Woods: A Seasonal Block of the Month Quilt

Rings True Sámi Mitten: Online Course

Sámi Knitted Mitten Online Class

Sámi Knitted Mitten: False Entrelac

Sámi Knitting Techniques

Sámi Knitting Traditions- Skolt Sámi Sampler

Sámi Knitting Traditions: Birch Leaves Mittens Online Course

Sami Knitting Traditions: Kautokeino Child's Mittens

Sami Knitting Traditions: Skolt Mittens

Skolt Sami Inspired Hat

Skolt Sámi Inspired Hat: Online Course

The Red and the Black: Swedish Sami Mittens by Skaite-Maria

Try Your Hand at Irish Crochet

Twined Knitting Intro: Let's Get Twisted

Twined Knitting, Advanced: Squared Off

Twined Knitting: Online Course

Two-Thumbed Arctic Fisherman’s Mittens

Winter Winds Hat

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