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Caleb Mattison

Grand Marais, MN
North House Folk School photo of instructor, Caleb Mattison

Caleb’s love for baking good bread took a turn when he started baking in a wood-fired oven and realized that this was how humans have nearly always been baking our bread. He now teaches a variety of classes about breads and wood fired ovens.

Current Courses Offered by Caleb Mattison

Teaser image for Ovencrafting: Building and Baking in the Wood-Fired Oven

Ovencrafting: Building and Baking in the Wood-Fired Oven

Hearth loaves, live-fire cooking, flatbreads, and overnight baked bean pots are just a few of the…
Wed, Apr 30th, 2025  –  Mon, May 5th, 2025
Day 1: 3-6:30 pm; Days 2-5: 9am-5pm; Day 6: 9am-noon
Teaser image for The Elements of Pizza

The Elements of Pizza

We all have experience with the Italian flatbread known around the world. There are so many…
Sat, Dec 13th, 2025  –  Sun, Dec 14th, 2025
Day 1: 3-6pm; Day 2: 9am-5pm
Teaser image for Wild Yeast: The Art and Science of Sourdough Bread

Wild Yeast: The Art and Science of Sourdough Bread

People were baking bread using wild yeast and bacteria cultures long before they understood the…
Thu, Oct 23rd, 2025  –  Sun, Oct 26th, 2025
Day 1: 4-8pm; Days 2-4: 9am-5pm
Instructors: Amy James, Caleb Mattison

Past Courses Offered by Caleb Mattison

Baking for Kids

Basic Yeasted Breads

Crunchy Crackers: Online Course

Flatbreads from Around the World

Flatbreads from Around the World

Old World Breads

Ovencrafting: Building and Baking in the Wood-Fired Brick Oven

Simplifying Sourdough: Online Webinar

Sparks & Flames: Fire-Starting

Stovetop Flatbreads: Online Course

The Elements of Pizza

Wheat-Free Flatbreads: Online Course

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