Wood Week 2023
Planning for Wood Week 2024 is underway.
Can you smell the fresh cut wood? Wood Week 2023 is just around the corner and will be log-jam-packed with everything the woodworker’s heart desires. Choose from ten courses in a variety of areas: figure carving, turning, spoon carving, and more. This year we feature two guest instructors – Kenneth Kortemeier and Barn ‘the Spoon’ Carder, as well as a host of talented North House “regulars.”
Kenneth joins us from the Maine Coast Craft School with a first-time course offering teaching tramp art, a uniquely American folk art that catches the eye and sparks the imagination. He’ll teach a multi day course and give a presentation on the art form.
Barn “the Spoon” Carder has been a longtime friend of the school, but this will be his first visit to campus. Barn is a legend in the world of green wood carving, and we’re delighted he’ll be teaching two courses and giving a public lecture, “How Craft Can Change the World,” during the Carvers' Conference on March 17.
Friday, March 17 will be the Carver’s Conference, a day full of demonstrations, workshops, skill shares, and community gatherings. All enrolled students are encouraged to come early or stay late to partake of this extra benefit. Along with Friday's conference, read below for details on evening gatherings throughout the week.
Event Details
Carver’s Conference: Friday, March 17, 9am-9pm
As a special feature of this week, all classes will take a break on Friday to allow everyone to participate in demonstrations, presentations, and hear our featured speaker Barn Carder. Participation in the Carver’s Conference Day is free for all in 2023. The public is welcome to attend.
9:00 am Tour Sannerud Studios
Long-time North House instructor Jim Sannerud has been making his career in wood for decades: from production cabinetry to greenwood bowls to his latest passion, custom furniture, Jim has wide-ranging experiences and interests. Visit his studio, located about 10 minutes from NHFS, to check out his work and his set-up.
10:30am Tramp Art, An Explanation and Discussion with Kenneth Kortemeier @NHFS
If you read the title for guest instructor Kenneth Kortemeier’s course this week and thought “what on earth IS tramp art?” you’re not alone. Kenneth will enlighten us all on the fascinating history of tramp art. He will show images and examples of this obscure American vernacular folk art, discuss why he enjoys making it and make a case for why this work is relevant to today's craftsperson.
12:00pm Stories from the Woodshop at Sätergläntan with Beth Moen: Live Webinar Screening (BYO lunch) @NHFS
Meet Beth Moen, lead instructor at Sätergläntan Institute for Craft in Dalarna, Sweden and 2023 guest instructor with North House Folk School and the American Swedish Institute. As Sweden’s leading school for traditional craft, Sätergläntan has taught the next generation of handcraft artisans for a century. Beth, a woodworker, will discuss Sätergläntan’s woodworking program. Hear how she ended up at Sätergläntan, her approach to teaching traditional craft to woodworking students, and how she sees Sätergläntan’s students contributing to Sweden’s craft scene today and into the future. Can’t be here in person? Register to watch from anywhere here.
Afternoon Demonstrations | 1:30-4:00 pm
Gather for presentations from makers on particular skill sets. Observe, ask questions, consider what your next course might be and learn. Some demonstrations offer participants the chance to try a skill.
- Barn the Spoon spoon carving
- Liesl Chatman kolrosing + spoon carving
- Jarrod Dahl wood turning
- Marybeth Garmoe marquetry
- Wesley Hathaway relief carving
- John Fleck hand tool use + sharpening
- Kenneth Kortemeier tramp art
- Paul Linden hand tool use + sharpening
- Jon Strom bowl carving
- Mary Tripoli fan birds + shave horses
- Nate White wood turning
4:00-5:30pm | Artisan Development Program Open Studio, Betsy Bowen Studios
Visit the studios of North House’s Artisan Development Program, a residency program designed to provide support to emerging craft educators, including time to develop a studio practice. Four resident artisans share a unique studio space including two woodworkers, Nate White and Wesley Hathaway. Take a peek at what they are all up to; drop-in anytime between 4:00 and 5:30pm.
Evening Gatherings
Wednesday, March 15 | Talk: Japanese Urushi Lacquer Finish for Woodenware with Jarrod Dahl and Jazmin Hicks-Dahl, 7pm
Jarrod has been on a constant search for the perfect natural finish for woodenware used daily for eating. When he discovered Japanese urushi lacquerware, finished with a natural tree sap, he decided he had found it. During two trips to Japan, Jarrod & Jazmin learned to apply urushi lacquer from teacher/artist Madoka Kutsuwa in Gifu, Japan. Since then Jazmin has finished Jarrod’s trays, bowls, cups, and spoons with this warm golden brown to black semi-transparent fuki—wiped finish. Jarrod has focused on nuritate—brushed finish. Jarrod will give a brief history of urushi lacquer, what it is and where it comes from while Jazmin demonstrates applying wiped lacquer to a wooden bowl. There will be a slideshow accompanying the talk and demonstration. A wide variety of lacquered objects will be on display during the presentation. Open to the public.
Friday, March 17 | Talk: How Craft Can Change the World with Barn the Spoon, 7:30pm
Barn has spent the last decade plus helping to build ‘the new wood culture’. Sharing his experience from being at the forefront of craft, and reflecting on the direction in which it is heading, Barn will explain why he is more convinced than ever that craft has the power to change lives and society for the better. This is a chance to hear about his vision for a happier, craftier world and to share yours too. Open to the public.
Saturday, March 18 | Show & Share, 7pm
Bring your latest work in progress or completed object to share with the group in this informal gathering. Get inspired by your fellow wood enthusiasts. Open to the public.
Tuesday, March 14; Thursday, March 16; Sunday, March 19 | Open Shop, 7pm-9pm
As a special perk of Wood Week, North House will be open for students enrolled in wood week classes to carve away the evenings. Bring your own project; hosted by a volunteer instructor. Note: some hand tools will be available for use, but students are encouraged to bring their own.
Latest Update:
View recent changes →Course Offerings

Bowl Carving with Axe, Adze, and Gouge
9am-5pm each day

Spoon Carving with Barn the Spoon
9am-5pm each day

Tramp Art: Obscure Folk Art of the Working Class
9am-5pm each day

Build Your Own Shave Horse
9am-5pm each day

Figure Carving: Scandinavian Style
9am-5pm each day

Pole Lathe Turning
9am-5pm each day

Spoon Carving: Advanced Shapes & Techniques with Barn
9am-5pm each day