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Katya Gordon

Two Harbors, MN
North House Folk School photo of instructor, Katya Gordon

Mark and Katya Gordon are co-owners of Amicus Adventure Sailing, a small family-owned charter business that operates out of Knife River, MN. Mark (captain) has more than 40 years experience in leading trips and 30 years as a licensed Captain and EMT. Together they have sailed thousands of miles on Lake Superior and beyond with their two daughters Cedar and Lamar. Katya is an author, sailor, and adventurer and if you are lucky enough to be on one of her trips - she will amaze you with her ability to provide scrumptious, healthy meals from a kitchen smaller than a broom closet.

Visit Katya Gordon's Website

Current Courses Offered by Katya Gordon

Teaser image for Sail Training Trip: Isle Royale Circumnavigation

Sail Training Trip: Isle Royale Circumnavigation

This is a sail training expedition so participants will be asked to take part in all aspects of the…
Thu, Jun 5th, 2025  –  Sat, Jun 14th, 2025
10 days [Day 1: 5pm start; Final Day: 3pm finish]
Instructor: Mark Gordon
Thu, Sep 4th, 2025  –  Sat, Sep 13th, 2025
Day 1: 5pm start; Final Day: 3pm finish
Instructors: Katya Gordon, Mark Gordon

Past Courses Offered by Katya Gordon

Sail Training Trip: Grand Marais to Knife River (via the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore)

Sail Training Trip: Learn to Cruise the North Shore, Knife River to Grand Marais

Sail Training Trip: Learn to Cruise the North Shore, Knife River to Grand Marais

Sail Training Trip: Slate Island Exploration

Warm Your Windows: Sew Your Own Insulated Curtains

Winter River Exploration

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