Jim Miller
Thunder Bay, ONT

Jim (Ph.D., geology, University of Minnesota) is an Emeritus Associate Professor of Geology at the University of Minnesota Duluth. Formerly, he was a Senior Geologist with the Minnesota Geological Survey (1983-2008). His research specialty is the geology and mineral deposits of northeastern Minnesota. He has conducted geological research and led field trips for geologists and non-geologists for over 35 years. He retired from UMD in 2016.
Current Courses Offered by Jim Miller
What's This Rock 3? Southern North Shore’s Geological Story
Jim Miller
How many times have you walked along a cobbled beach or a rocky ledge along the North Shore and…
Fri, May 30th, 2025 – Sun, Jun 1st, 2025
Day 1: 4-7pm; Day 2: 9am-5pm; Day 3: 9am-1pm
Day 1: 4-7pm; Day 2: 9am-5pm; Day 3: 9am-1pm
Jim Miller