Jack Sneve
Jack was born in Duluth, MN. He became interested in the arts in high school and studied and explored them further while in college. He spent years living in the mountains in a tipi in Washington where he learned homesteading skills, carpentry, orchard work, and gardening. He chose a lifestyle of hauling water and chopping wood along with on-going studies in Wholistic Healing. After returning to Minnesota, he built his cabin home out of a goodly amount of recycled materials and continues to garden, grow a small apple orchard, and care for land which has been in his family since the early 1900’s.The draw to color, texture, and making items which are both useable and/or inspirational, and the draw to a community of crafters has always brought Jack much joy. He has a variety of skills and gifts including working with leather (both hard and soft), moccasin making, fiber arts, crocheting, sewing, photography, jewelry making, and hand tool restoration. He discovered North House Folk School in the early 2000’s and developed an interest in, and a love for, birch bark craft. He is grateful to be learning and teaching birch bark weaving with his mentors Charlie, John, Julie, and Beth. He continues to be inspired by all of the creative people in the growing crafting community.