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Emily Wick

Grand Marais, MN
North House Folk School photo of instructor, Emily Wick

Emily Wick is a weaver and writer living in Grand Marais, MN. She stumbled upon tapestry weaving during her first long winter living on the North Shore, and has been enthralled by it ever since. She experiments with many kinds of fiber art and weaves a variety of items on her loom, but especially loves creating abstract northern landscapes through the art of tapestry. 

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Current Courses Offered by Emily Wick

Teaser image for Weaving Landscapes: The Art of Tapestry

Weaving Landscapes: The Art of Tapestry

Learn to translate landscapes and nature imagery into art through the language of tapestry weaving.…
Fri, Dec 5th, 2025  –  Sun, Dec 7th, 2025
9am-5pm each day
Instructor: Emily Wick
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