Wonders and Ways with Wool Webinar with Linda Johnson Morke
Aired on Thu, Feb 25 at 7:00pm
Wool is wonderful! It has many properties that we can explore. Wool has history regarding nations and even currency. Wool can be silky soft for baby clothes or hard-wearing and course for a rug. Wool can be made into a lacy shawl or a closely felted covering for a yurt. How can one fiber do so many things? Starting with a scientific look at the fibers from different breeds of sheep and going to the many cultures wool has influenced, come learn the Wonders and Ways with Wool.
Linda's bio:
Linda has been a fiber enthusiast for the majority of her life. Knitting started at 5 years old and twisting her hair at an even younger age. Knitting led to spinning (something more that her hair) which led to sheep and rabbits. Felting led to different sheep, trips to Norway and Mongolia and a passion for understanding why wools felt differently. Being an engineer by training and curious by nature resulted in many years of fiber experimentation as an outlet for her creativity. A 10 year hiatus from the corporate world led to a line of fulled wool products sold both wholesale and retail. A shepherd for more than 30 years, Linda has shepherded Navajo Churro, Border Leicester, Cheviot, Hampshire, Karakul, Finnish Landrace, Icelandic, Texel, Blue Faced Leicester (BFL),Tunis and Gotland sheep. Her current flock consists of Icelandic & BFL crosses, Karakul and Gotland sheep. Her latest project was directing the felting of a Mongolian yurt in Northern Minnesota. Linda currently lives on a farm in Isanti, MN and enjoys sharing what she has learned through classes and lectures.
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