Introduction to Sprouted Grain Flour
Course Overview
The use of sprouted grain flour is on the forefront of whole grain baking. Made by sprouting nutritious whole grains, drying the sprouted kernels, and then grinding them into flour, this naturally sweet, nutritious, and easily digestible flour can be made from a wide variety of grains. One of the advantages of using these flours is that dough can be mixed and baked the same day and still achieve the maximum flavor potential from the whole grain – no need to pre-ferment the dough! Experiencing success using sprouted grain flour, however, does require techniques that take into consideration its unique characteristics. Each student will make, bake, and take home 100% Whole Wheat Pizza Crust, Multigrain Crackers, and a Whole Grain Loaf, all using sprouted grain flour. Open to beginning and intermediate bakers, this course requires the ability to stand for periods of time, to knead dough by hand, and to walk to and from the teaching kitchen and the outdoor wood-fired oven.