Willow Ridge Herb Basket
Course Overview
In the Willow Basket World, there are an infinite number of basketry techniques to learn and perfect. Rib-style techniques will be the focus for this class, following the designs of many centuries-old basket styles. Learn about willow as a basket material; using wild and cultured varieties; and harvesting, sorting, and preparing for weaving. A variety of techniques, such as frame making, lashings, rib placement, coiling with willow, etc., will be discussed and sampled. Students will finish the workshop by weaving a Willow Ridge Herb Basket, one of Jo’s favorite designs! This workshop is suitable for all skill levels, but hand strength is a must – willow is a strong material.
Session Information
This course is part of Basket Week 2019! Plan to stay an extra day for the Basket Gathering on Friday, October 25 for demonstrations, talks and community gatherings.
Course Details
You will need the following tools for this class:
- basket shears
- small pruners
- sharp fixed blade knife
- 1 ft square leather or denim scrap
- large awl
- spray bottle
- old bed sheet
Optional Tools
Feel free to bring your favorite tools and whatever materials you might feel appropriate for this course.
- Work apron
More Information
Once registered, students will receive a confirmation email with further class information. Please call us if you haven't received it within 24 hours.