Youth Camp
Spring Break Makers Camp!
Course Overview
Join us this year at North House’s annual Spring Break Camp where children will combine science and art. Over the week participants will learn about biomimicry by looking at how nature has inspired amazing inventions such as velcro. Together we’ll explore cool things in nature and then, using their imaginations, each child will design his/her own creations that mimic nature. Individual students will then build a wooden frame and, using wool, make a diorama by creating these inventions in 3-D. This camp is for students in grades 3-5. Half and full scholarships are available by request to any Cook County family upon registration.
Camp Schedule: Full day camps are held from 9am-4 pm each day with an hour break from noon-1 for lunch and down time. You can drop your child off at their camp location up to 30 minutes before the start of camp each day. Campers need to be picked up by 4:15.
All full day campers must bring their own bag lunch to eat each day. All half day campers must bring a snack. We encourage kids to bring a book or quiet game for their break and they will have access to outdoor space in good weather to play during lunch break.
Attendance: Because projects worked on at camp build from day to day and learning extends throughout the week please only sign your child up for camp if they will be able to attend all five days of the camp week.
Pick up and Drop Off: You can drop your child off at their camp location up to 30 minutes before the start of camp each day. All parents/guardians must drop off their children in person each day of camp. At the time of registration, parents/guardians may authorize their child to walk or bike home from camp alone. All kids not walking/biking must be picked up by an authorized parent/guardian within 10 minutes of the end of the camp day.
Scholarships: We want Kids’ Camp to be accessible to families in Cook County regardless of financial status. There are half cost and full cost scholarships available for youth residents of Cook County. Scholarships can be requested at the time of registration via the phone: 218-387-9762.
Registration: You are welcome to register through our website. Please register under the parent's name. If you have more than one child to register or have any questions, we welcome registrations by phone at 218-387-9762.
Required Tools
Snacks (2)
Water Bottle