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Fiber Art

Natural Plant Dyes

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Course Overview

Enjoy the “thrill of discovery” in the many colors which can be achieved, and the variation of color that can be found in nature’s palette, by learning the complete subtleties of dyeing with natural materials. Dyeing with natural plants is more than a craft, it’s a fascinating and inexpensive hobby. Students will learn how to gather their own plant materials and learn how to prepare dye baths to extract the color. We will cover the process of using different mordants—the mordant sets the color to prevent fading and determines the color of the final product. We will dye wool, silk, and cotton fibers, too. Along the way, you will learn how to grow dye plants, and get tips on pruning, harvesting, and storing plant materials to get the color you want. Students will leave the class with recipes, handbooks, 8 oz. of wool yarn, cotton squares, and two silk scarves dyed “shibori” style with colors from nature. This course is open to students ages 13+.

Required Tools

  • old clothes


Fri, Sep 23rd, 2016  –  Sun, Sep 25th, 2016

Course Details

Hours: 9am-5pm
Tuition: $310.00
Materials fee: $55.00
Additional materials fee paid to instructor when class starts: $55


You will need the following tools for this class:

old clothes

good walking shoes for walking in ditches and woods

Optional Tools

Feel free to bring any 100% wool yarn to dye for samples of color.

More Information

Once registered, students will receive a confirmation email with further class information. Please call us if you haven't received it within 24 hours.

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Meet the Instructor

North House Folk School photo of instructor, Karen Rognsvoog
Karen Rognsvoog
Golden Valley, MN

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Natural Plant Dyes