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Outdoor Skills

Friction Fire Starting: Bushcraft Skill Building

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Course Overview

From fungi to birch bark, rocks to lichen, the boreal forest is home to many useful things that can be used to spark a flame: no matches required. Through a mix of field-based and on-campus experiences, students will discover how to make fire by friction and how to identify and prepare the most useful natural tinders & kindlings found in the northern forest. Students will construct and learn to use a friction fire kit that includes a bow drill and hand drill, as well as gain experience preparing char cloth and using flint and steel. Additional instruction will include hands-on demonstrations of highly effective modern survival fire lighting techniques and tools. For the serious camper, the bushcraft enthusiast or the backyard bonfire specialist, this is a great in-depth opportunity to focus on the essential (and fun!) skill of fire starting.


Fri, May 27th, 2016  –  Sun, May 29th, 2016

Course Details

Length: 2½ Days
Hours: Day 1: 5pm-9pm Day 2/3: 9am-5pm


You will need the following tools for this class:

-Quality fixed blade knife for carving bow drill kits. Mora 511 is suggested and will be available from the instructor for $15 -Appropriate outdoor clothing -Snacks and water bottle for being in the field away from campus. -Anything else you need to be comfortable in the woods for a ½ day (about 4 hours periods of time) -A small pack to carry your things in while in the field and also to bring back materials from the field

Optional Tools

-Please bring anything you feel is appropriate for your enjoyment and comfort during this class. -The nature of these activities requires one to squat, to kneel down, bend and twist while attempting to generate friction fire. A small ground pad, or knee pads/ or back brace may be appropriate/desirable for some individuals. -Please bring any fire starting tricks/equipment to class that you may wish to share with the class.

More Information

Once registered, students will receive a confirmation email with further class information. Please call us if you haven't received it within 24 hours.

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Meet the Instructor

North House Folk School photo of instructor, Lindy Lind
Lindy Lind
Potomac, MT

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Friction Fire Starting: Bushcraft Skill Building