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Carve a Loom, Weave a Band: Carving Session

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Course Overview

Woodcarving and weaving come together in this unique offering designed for pairs of students: one ready to wield a carving knife, the other to learn the warp and weft. Come with a friend or partner to carve a traditional band loom and learn how to weave on it in two days! One of the partners will work with Roger carving a band loom and the other partner will work with Reggie to learn how to weave on a band loom. Both courses will happen in the same room, so the entire group will be able to learn and share together. Note, each partner must register separately for their course.

Carvers will learn how to carve a traditional Scandinavian band loom. A flat piece of wood is carved using gouges, chip knives, and hand drills to create a unique and personalized loom and traditional flat shuttle. Samples will be available to follow, but each loom will be an individual creation. Carvers will leave the class with a beautiful, individual band loom and shuttle. Traditionally, the carver would present this loom to the weaver, but what happens between partners is up to them. 

Required Tools

  • V gouge
  • Slojd knife
  • Hand drill 1/16” drill bit
  • Instructor will have some of these to share


Mon, Jul 1st, 2024  –  Wed, Jul 3rd, 2024

Course Details

Hours: 9am-5pm each day
Tuition: $315.00
Materials fee: $25.00
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Meet the Instructor

North House Folk School photo of instructor, Roger Abrahamson
Roger Abrahamson
Minneapolis, MN

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Carve a Loom, Weave a Band: Carving Session