Kerstin Neumüller

Kerstin Neumüller is a Swedish author and craftswoman operating out of her workshop in the södermanland countryside. Craft has always been a big part of her life and she has explored many aspects of textile craft while studying, working in costume departments of different theater houses and later running a denim store. In 2020 Kerstin decided to make craft her main job and started carving wooden weaving heddles which led to her writing her third book: Simple Weave - Väv utan vävstol which will be published in English in 2023. Her previous books Indigo - Cultivate Dye Create and Mend and Patch are available in US bookstores.
Kerstin has studied sewing at Sätergläntan and Stenebyskolan, textile history at Uppsala University and she has a degree in menswear tailoring. She has taught classes at Sätergläntan, Nordiska museet, HV skola and many other places.
Follow her work via her website www.kerstinneumuller.com or instagram, @kerstin.neumuller.