Framing the Future
Join the transformational campaign for the North Shore's home for traditional craft!
Your support of this campaign is vital to the future of North House and the vibrancy of the North Shore. Gifts of any level are deeply appreciated, and it will take the generosity of the whole North House Community to acheive these goals.
The timbers are ordered, the contractors are lined up, your commitment is needed today to make this vision possible!
We also encourage you to consider what you could accomplish by making your gift over the next 3 years? With a range of options for how you give (one time, monthly, quarterly, and annually), and the option to adjust your commitment as needed, You’ll be helping North House build with confidence!
Make the Most Impact
Often in a capital campaign, folks find ways to stretch their giving to reach a level that feels right to them. The following are a few strategies you may want to consider to maximize your impact in this pivotal campaign for the future of North House.
Pledges - By making a formal commitment to giving at a certain level for 2,3, or 4 years, can be a great way to reach a giving target. For instance, by giving $2,500/year for 4 years, you’d reach a very generous $10,000 contributed to the campaign. To discuss making a pledge contact Tom, tmorse@northhouse.org.
Gifts of Stock - Making a gift of appreciated assets like stocks, mutual funds, or ETFs can be a great tax advantaged option for making an impact. Giving the shares directly to North House allows you to capture the full value of the stock as a donation, but without the consequence of capital gains taxes. This can be an especially wise if rebalancing a portfolio held in taxable accounts, or if you are looking to reset the cost basis of a greatly appreciated asset. North House encourages donors to consult with an advisor about their potential tax savings before making a gift of stock. To receive transfer information, contact Tom, tmorse@northhouse.org
IRA Charitable Rollovers - For Individuals over 70 1/2 a charitable rollover can be a great way of meeting required minimum distributions without expanding your taxable income. When a gift transfers directly from your IRA to a qualified charitable organization like North House, the donor receives a similar tax benefit to having made a standard donation along with a few other unique benefits. North House encourages donors to consult with their advisor to see if this kind of gift makes sense for you.