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Skyr: Making Icelandic Yogurt

Course Overview

Skyr is a thick and tangy Icelandic yogurt, known for its low fat content and delightful texture. Traditionally made from skim milk and high in protein, skyr is both healthy and surprisingly creamy. Skyr has been a mainstay of the Icelandic diet for centuries, where a harsh climate made food preservation essential for survival. Skyr-making was something of an everyday art, traditionally made on farms and homesteads throughout the country. In this course, we’ll make Icelandic skyr and explore Iceland’s unique culture by tracing skyr’s role in traditional life and literature, and through sampling traditional Icelandic recipes. You’ll leave the course ready to make and enjoy skyr at home. Students age 14+ may sign up for this course. Youth age 12+ may sign up with an adult. Adult/child pairs will make two meals and pay two materials fees. 

Required Tools 

  • Each student should bring one large beach or bath towel. 

  • In addition, you may be asked to bring a cast iron pot or Dutch oven, 4 quarts or larger, if you have one. The instructor will communicate about pots prior to class start. 

  • All other tools and materials will be provided.

Optional Tools

  • Consider bringing a cooler to transport your quart of skyr home!

Currently Scheduled Sessions

No sessions currently scheduled for this course.

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