Service Learning
Service Learning Project: Timbered Top Workbenches
Course Overview
Make your mark on the historical development of the new North House Folk School milling shop classroom by working alongside master carpenters and instructors, Randy Schnobrich and Brian Sherburne, to build and assemble the new timbered wooden work benches. Handcrafted from local wood, the new milling shop workbenches will be built with one purpose in mind – to be an inspiring and durable workplace for a variety of traditional woodworking projects. Traditional mortise and tenon joinery will define their design. No previous woodworking experience is required. Your participation and tuition in this service learning project includes:
* how to assess a woodworking space and design a suitable workbench to meet those demands
* hands-on experience ripping, cutting, measuring and assembling a woodwork bench
* lunch served daily on the North House campus for all service learning participants