Blacksmithing & Toolmaking
Make Your Own Japanese Woodworking Tool: The Kebiki
Course Overview
"How did I ever do without this?” Be the proud maker and user of an essential woodworking tool: the kebiki, a Japanese marking gauge. Rather than scratching across wood fibers as a sharpened pin (the tool most often used for scribing in Western woodshops) does, kebiki slice the fibers, which increases accuracy and provides a register for the chisel edges and saw teeth. They can be used in the proper layout of mortises and tenons, and for cutting thin wood stock and leather. Students will complete one gauge, and have the knowledge to make another on their own. Sharpening, layout, and proper use of the tool will also be covered. This class requires patience, finesse, careful layout, and planning, and coordinated tool use.
Optional Tools that Might be Helpful
- Pencils
- Set of sharp chisels
- Small tri-square
- Set of needle files