From Crust to Crumb: Baking Bread in Cast Iron and Using it Up
Course Overview
Wise cooks of all cultures know that if fresh bread is worth baking for, day old bread is worth waiting for! Long time instructor and acclaimed Chef Scott Graden will remind us how easy it is to make great bread at home, starting with a rustic country-style sourdough baked in cast iron dutch ovens. Students will put their bread to work making sandwiches, soups, and desserts – classic and innovative recipes that make short work of the end of a loaf. Chef Graden, of the New Scenic Café, teaches fast paced classes that will help beginning cooks find their confidence and will send experienced cooks right home to the kitchen with plenty of new ideas. This daylong course culminates in a shared meal for students and one guest in a harbor-side celebration of learning, community and delicious food. Students will head home with sourdough starter, a cast iron cooker, and enough recipes to take on a weekly loaf. Fee includes lunches, dinner for 2 and cast iron pan.