Woodworking & Furniturecraft
Everyday Slöjd- A Firewood Carrier made from Firewood
Course Overview
Make a sweet little firewood/kindling carrier from three pieces of firewood, straight from the woodpile. We will cut, split, and shape using hand tools, and refine our skills with a carving knife for the joints and smaller details. A fourth piece of wood will be split up to load the carrier and it will be all set to bring to your wood stove or campfire, or to serve as a unique and fantastic gift for someone special. This is a woodworking class utilizing hand tools only. The class will utilize familiar tools such as the saw, brace and drill; students will also be introduced to the froe, hatchet, and drawknife--tools rarely found in most modern wood shops. Low-tech, resourceful, and fun, this is a great project for developing a new skillset with quiet and portable hand tools.
A note from the instructor: In the Swedish language, the word slöjd has a nebulous meaning. It starts with a definition similar to our English word “craft”, but it goes beyond that… elements of a “Do It Yourself” attitude are imbedded in its connotation, as well the implication of one’s ability to solve problems creatively. So slöjd not only means crafty and skillful, but it also implies self-reliance, and the empowerment that is gained by making and fixing things with your own hands. The concept of this word, with its expansive meaning, is what I intend to promote through the Everyday Slöjd classes. I use the peculiar word slöjd in their name because I intend to embrace all of these interpretations… my sincere hope is that the experience will instill self-confidence in all of the students involved, and inspire their creativity.