Blacksmithing & Toolmaking
Yakutian-Style Knives
Course Overview
Almost since the beginning of humankind the knife has been one of the most widely used tools. First versions were fashioned from stone, until humans discovered how to smelt ore and forge the resulting metal into workable billets. These billets were shaped with fire and force into the first knives and from there, multiple purposes developed. It continues to be used to cut, chop, dig, slice, carve, hunt, fish, and more. Over time, tribal cultures across the world adapted the knife into styles that reflected their traditions and that met their specific needs. Knife styles were also informed by the raw materials most abundant and easily obtained in their environment.
This workshop focuses on the Yakutian Knife from the Sakha Republic (or Yakutia) region of Siberia. Taught by two experienced instructors, students will benefit from a low teacher student ratio while forging a minimum of three blades of various lengths, heat treating and sharpening them, and installing handles. Many may find these smaller, handy knives become their “go to” for a variety of tasks. Note, forging experience is required for participation in this class. Students should be at an intermediate level- see online for a complete description.
Intermediate forging experience is required for this class. Intermediate experience includes the ability to pay attention to detail, an understanding the relationship of visual metal color in correlation to heat level, an eye for geometric accuracy, ability to carry out accurate & repeated hammer blows within the window of recommended forging temperatures consistent with high carbon steel and experience with managing a coal fire.
Required Tools
- Your favorite hammer
- Top fuller
- Ball Peen hammer, small to medium size
- Wolfjaw tongs or your go to blade tong
- Particle mask for grinding
Optional Tools
- Heat resistant outside calipers or metal ruler