Wood Carving Tutorial
Course Overview
Break out the v-gouges and chisels! This tutorial format course is a great opportunity to get going on a new carving project or finish up something you’ve already started, all under the expert guidance of instructor Phil Odden. Phil specializes in Nordic-style carving and will have a variety of projects to choose from, many with a holiday theme; ornaments, candleholders, and rocking horses (for the very ambitious!) are all possibilities. This is the perfect way to get those handmade gifts underway, or seek the assistance you need to get to the finish line.
Course Details
You will need the following tools for this class:
All required tools/materials are provided by your instructor and North House and will be available once the course begins.
Optional Tools
Feel free to bring your favorite tools and whatever materials you might feel appropriate for this course.
More Information
Once registered, students will receive a confirmation email with further class information. Please call us if you haven't received it within 24 hours.