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Wattle Fences and Garden Trellises

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Course Overview

Have you ever needed a small garden fence? A trellis or wattle fence is the answer! Sometimes referred to as hurdles, wattle fences and trel-
lises have been around since the stone age and can be made from easily-harvested and widely-available materials. This two-day workshop will introduce the many uses of wattles, hurdles, and trellises, the materials needed, and how to make a wattle fence and trellis. Students
will make a small wattle fence and trellis to take home, and have the skills to make many more. A short field trip into the woods to identify
useful materials will be included, so wear appropriate clothing and shoes. Youth ages 10-15 may register if accompanied by an adult. Adult/
child pairs will complete one project and pay one material fee. A 25% tuition discount applies to the youth registrant when registering with
a full paying adult; call to register. Ages 16+ may register and complete their own project.

Required Tools

  • Bypass pruning clippers
  • Large loppers
  • Gloves
  • Tape measure
  • Hammer

Optional Tools

  • Pliers
  • Wire cutters
  • Decorative wire
  • Raffia
  • Decorative cordage


Tue, Jul 16th, 2024

Course Details

Hours: 9am-5pm
Tuition: $95.00
Materials fee: $10.00
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Meet the Instructor

North House Folk School photo of instructor, Paula Sundet Wolf
Paula Sundet Wolf
Lutsen, MN

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Wattle Fences and Garden Trellises