Special Event
VanLife: A Seminar Discussion with Jon Turk
Course Overview
When the Covid pandemic upended everyone’s lives, Jon and his wife acquired a cargo van, converted it into a camper van, and spent 6 ½ glorious, inspirational months in wild places, often with six miles, not six feet of social distancing. In this workshop, we will discuss all aspects of VanLife, from choosing the most appropriate vehicle for your needs, to camper conversion, to Van Camping, to working remotely from the van. There is no ‘right way’ to build a camper, but we will discuss the pros and cons of various systems for sleeping, cooking, heating, providing electricity, water storage, refrigeration, and in general, making a tiny space into a comfortable, enjoyable home and workplace.
Required Tools
There are no required tools for this course.
Session Information
This course is part of Winterer's Gathering 2021! Plan to stick around for a weekend filled with northern stores, films, and more. The event begins on Friday, November 19 and concludes on Sunday, November 21.