Tiny House: Building Skills Workshop
Course Overview
Build your skills, not your house! This course aims to inspire and educate students in the process of building an economical and environmentally sustainable simple starter home or guesthouse.
This class will include instruction on framing up and finishing out an 8’ x 16’ cabin. The house will be a built using locally milled beams and butt and pass construction techniques. Features include windows, a custom built door, a kitchen counter, wood floors and a metal roof. The structure will be built indoors at North House Folk School by students under the guidance of two skilled instructors. The course will cover how to use power tools safely and effectively (circular saw, table saw, bandsaw, miter saw, drills). The finished house will rest on a pair of skids, and can be transported via trailer.
The tiny house will be built to function both on or off-grid. This course will focus on the technical details of construction: design concepts, alternative building materials. In addition, the course will include discussions about living a low-impact lifestyle: alternatives for toilets and bathing, solar electric set-up, rainwater collection, etc. Students are strongly encouraged to bring their own plans, dreams, ideas and visions.
This course will run in tandem with the "Tiny House: Build Your Own" course; students will be working on a project being constructed for a fellow student. Please contact North House with any questions.
Course Details
You will need the following tools for this class:
- tool belt [pouch]
- hammer
- 20 foot tape measure
- carpenter pencil
- utility knife
- dust masks (respirator)
Optional Tools
- speed square
- framing square
- chalk line
- cordless drill
- palm sander
- bock plane
Feel free to bring your favorite tools and whatever materials you might feel appropriate for this course.
More Information
Once registered, students will receive a confirmation email with further class information. Please call us if you haven't received it within 24 hours.