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Shaker Box Tradition: Make a Stacking Set

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Course Overview

There was a time when households had few belongings, and clutter from too much stuff was not an issue. Basics such as matches, glue powders and paint pigments, and sugar, coffee, tea, and spices needed containers. Before the age of canisters and Tupperware, Shaker craftsmen made and marketed their oval boxes to meet this purpose. Explore the traditions of the Shaker box as you learn to make a stacked set of boxes (five total), reflecting on both the traditional uses and production methods, as well as more decorative touches such as the use of cherry woods rather than plain maple and wood finishes suited for the coffee table rather than cupboard. The Shaker Box is a box for all occasions, utilitarian as well as decorative. Its charm and grace make a difference whatever role it plays.


Fri, Jul 22nd, 2016  –  Sat, Jul 23rd, 2016

Course Details

Length: 2 Days
Hours: 9am-5pm


You will need the following tools for this class:

safety glasses N95 dusk masks closed-toe shoes

Optional Tools

Feel free to bring your favorite tools and whatever materials you might feel appropriate for this course. Ear plugs

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Shaker Box Tradition: Make a Stacking Set