Painting & Photography
Rosemaling: Shaded Telemark Style & Traditions
Course Overview
Rosemaling means "rose painting" in Norwegian, and the Telemark region in southeastern Norway is known for the classic look of its painting with asymmetrical scrolls and varied placement of leaves and flowers. In this course you'll study and practice basic techniques of this traditional decorative painting style. Students will begin with a simple project such as a Christmas ornament and move on to a larger project, such as a plate or other woodenware item. Plenty of one-on-one instruction is provided.
Students interested in building a solid base of skills are encouraged to pre-register for the optional fourth day of instruction for $50 by choosing the option during registration or by calling North House after completing a registration.
Course Details
You will need the following tools for this class:
- The instructors will provide paints, other incidental supplies, and a class project such as a plate, mirror or other woodenware item for your use for a fee of approximately $50 collected at the beginning of class. If you bring your own supplies (listed below as optional) and/or project, this fee will be reduced accordingly. Students who bring nothing but a paint shirt and notebook should expect to spend $50, students who bring their own brushes, paints, and project should expect to spend $10-$35.
- Notebook and pen
- A paint shirt
Optional Tools
All of the supplies below are provided as part of the materials fee that will be charged on the first day of class (approx. $50, please bring check or cash). If you provide any of the supplies listed below, the materials fee of approx. $50 will be reduced accordingly.
1) LOEW CORNELL BRUSHES: (may be purchased from instructor, approx. $15-$20)
• Series 7050 (#2 liner)
• Series 7500 (#2 and #4 filbert) (#6 & #8 optional but nice to have)
2) Palette paper (for mixing paints)
3) Palette knife
4) Paper towels (lint free)
5) Walnut alkyd medium- available from Vesterheim Museum (www.vesterheim.org)
6) Odorless paint thinner or brush cleaner – available at local hardware store
7) Tracing paper (also available at Vesterhiem or at Micheal’s or Hobby Lobby)(for tracing designs)
8) Transfer paper (available at Vestereheim)( for transferring designs onto woodenware)
9) Liquid Dawn dishwashing soap and vaseline OR pink soap for cleaning brushes
10) Jar with cover for paint thinner
11) Saran wrap (for paint brushes and covering paints)
(Rembrandt brand recommended by instructor)
• Ivory Black
• Titanium White
• Venetian Red
• Prussian Blue
• Burnt Sienna
• Burnt Umber
• Terre Verde Green
• Raw Sienna (Grumbacher brand)
• Caput Mortum
• Yellow Ocher
• Cadmium Red Light (optional)
13) Practice board (masonite- available at hardware stores or heavy cardboard): 12 x 15 inch, painted with two coats of paint. Optional colors: Delta Creamcoat or Americana brand in nightfall blue, midnight blue, Red Iron Oxide, Black, or Dark Forest Green (any of these are fine). Spray with American Matte Spray Varnish (available at Micheal’s or Hobby Lobby).
More Information
Once registered, students will receive a confirmation email with further class information. Please call us if you haven't received it within 24 hours.