Peak Veggie: Cooking with September's Vegetables
Course Overview
September is peak season for veggie lovers. Tomatoes, corn, eggplant, and peppers are still in the markets, while early potatoes, squash, and other storage vegetables are just appearing.
We’ll talk about what’s in the market (or your CSA box), as well as how to select, store, and make the most of late-summer vegetables. Bring your questions about your favorite vegetables, or ones that have vexed you. If your cooking creativity has started to flag after the long summer, we’ll get it started again!
Students will make dishes that bridge the gap between bright summer flavors and comforting fall foods, including a cold soup, a hot salad, and a snappy relish. Students age 12+ may participate in this course without an adult. Those ages 8 to 11 may participate with an adult. A 25% tuition discount applies to the youth registrant when registering with a full paying adult; call to register.
Required Tools
- Pint glass jar with lid
- Plastic containers for bringing leftovers home
Optional Tools
- Apron (available on site, also)
- Your own knives if you are very attached to them