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Traditional Crafts

Nordic Herbals

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Course Overview

Healing traditions, like all crafts, reflect the landscape and stories of the people who create them. Explore Norse and Sámi-inspired herbal medicine in this workshop based around the handcrafting of seven herbal medicines, each tethered to a particular story and made from northern plants. Rooted in her own Nordic ancestry, Gigi will explore the sacred elder tree, Birkana, rune stones, and reindeer medicine. Students will handcraft seven herbal items to sustain them through the long northern winter: elderberry syrup, fireweed flower essence, cedar sauna blend, birch botanical liniment, and others. In the spirit of Eir, the traditional Norse goddess of healing, students will create a medicine bundle to accompany them through the darkest season.

Required Tools

  • 7 glass bottles (clear, amber or cobalt blue) that are 2-4 oz size and that seal tightly  
  • Tote bag or basket for all of your Nordic Herbals to bring home with you  
  • Herbs, solvents and many other supplies will all be provided by instructor and are included in your materials fee.

Optional Tools

  • Feel free to bring your favorite tools and whatever materials you might feel appropriate for this course.  
  • Students may optionally bring extra sterile new or recycled glass bottles & jars to bring home additional tinctures, etc. Suggested colors:  amber, cobalt or clear (with our without droppers).  Sizes:  1/2 to 3 ounces


Sat, Feb 25th, 2023  –  Sun, Feb 26th, 2023

Course Details

Hours: 9am-5pm each day
Tuition: $200.00
Materials fee: $40.00
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Meet the Instructor

North House Folk School photo of instructor, Gigi Risberg Stafne
Gigi Risberg Stafne
Chetek, WI

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Nordic Herbals